Tag Archives: Leadership


Source: markensteijn.com


Een beknopte inleiding in het begrip organisatiecultuur.
Om de leesbaarheid te bevorderen gebruikt ik regelmatig de term ‘cultuur’. Waar dat het geval is wordt ‘organisatiecultuur’ bedoeld.

Wat is organisatiecultuur?

Voor het begrip ‘organisatiecultuur’ zijn veel definities opgesteld. Borsboom en Parlevliet geven een overzicht van gemeenschappelijke kenmerken in die cultuurdefinities[i]:

  • Cultuur is iets dat door mensen wordt gedeeld;
  • Cultuur wordt gedragen door mensen;
  • Cultuur is aangeleerd;
  • Cultuur is niet onmiddellijk zichtbaar, noch direct beïnvloedbaar;
  • Cultuur heeft een duurzaam stabiel karakter.

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Preparing Organizations to Become Design-Infused

Source: Medium

Imagine what it’s like to have every co-worker, in every meeting and discussion, keeping the conversation focused on how to make your product or service deliver the best experience possible. With every hard decision you face, your team encourages you to do what’s best for your customers and users. Where the executives seriously consider delaying a release because the design isn’t the best it could be.

Sounds like an ideal world, but for a growing number of UX professionals, it’s becoming a reality. These folks work in design-infused organizations, where every individual contributor makes great design a priority in their work.

Spreading the Knowledge of Design

It takes a long time to become a design-infused organization. Many have yet to make the transition. Some organizations are approaching it. These organizations value design enough to hire and embed designers in every project. They see how design is a competitive advantage.

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Stress en Succes op de Werkvloer | Universiteit van Nederland

Erik Scherder & dr. Kilian Wawoe

Een uniek duocollege met twee toppers van de Universiteit van Nederland: neuropsycholoog Erik Scherder en organisatiepsycholoog Kilian Wawoe (beiden Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam). Verdubbel je kennis met de insights van deze fantastische sprekers die gezamenlijk hun licht zullen laten schijnen op de fenomenen van stress & succes op de werkvloer!

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How to make decisions quickly

Source – Quartz.

A former Google exec on how to make tough decisions quickly

Think fast. (Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports)

Written by Dave Girouard, July 31, 2015

I’ve long believed that speed is the ultimate weapon in business. All else being equal, the fastest company in any market will win. Speed is a defining characteristic—if not the defining characteristic—of the leader in virtually every industry you look at.
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laat werknemers zelf bepalen wat ze doen, dan presteren ze beter

Bron – NRC Q.

Foto ANP

Weg met de managers

Dit ongewone Nederlandse bedrijf is een voorbeeld op Harvard

Door op woensdag 6 mei 2015

In de meeste ict-bedrijven hebben ict’ers weinig te zeggen. Managers bepalen de targets, ict’ers voeren de opdrachten uit. Philip Dries (45) werkte jarenlang bij zo’n bedrijf. “We moesten telkens weer opboksen tegen de Raad van Bestuur”, herinnert hij zich. “Zo frustrerend.”Hij zag dat het anders kan en richtte in 2003 samen met twee collega’s Schuberg Philis op, een ict-dienstverlener waar geen managers werken, ict’ers zelf bepalen wat ze doen en waar beslissingen over de richting van het bedrijf pas doorgaan als het voltallige personeel ermee instemt.
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How to Be Emotionally Intelligent – NYTimes.com

Source – NYTimes.com.



Credit Wesley Bedrosian for The New York Times


How to Be Emotionally Intelligent

What makes a great leader? Knowledge, smarts and vision, to be sure. To that, Daniel Goleman, author of “Leadership: The Power of Emotional Intelligence,” would add the ability to identify and monitor emotions — your own and others’ — and to manage relationships. Qualities associated with such “emotional intelligence” distinguish the best leaders in the corporate world, according to Mr. Goleman, a former New York Times science reporter, a psychologist and co-director of a consortium at Rutgers University to foster research on the role emotional intelligence plays in excellence. He shares his short list of the competencies.

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Generous Leadership

Source – Fast Company

The Case For Being A Generous Leader

Are you a generous leader or a selfish one?

In my first job out of high school, when I was barely 18 years old, I had one of the best bosses out there. Lewie had no reason to give me special attention. He had no reason to be interested in my success. Yet over and over again, he mentored me, believed the best in me, and gave me wisdom, resources, and ideas when it didn’t benefit him in the least.

At least once a week, Lewie would take me out to lunch or drinks and drill me with questions. He rarely ever told me the right answer—he just asked insightful questions that made me rethink my decisions or actions. And with each conversation, I grew a little bit more.

Lewie was a generous leader.

When I think of Lewie and other generous leaders I’ve had the opportunity to imitate, several traits come to mind. Generous leaders:

  • Want their people to succeed.
  • Are not competitive with their team.
  • Have an open-door policy (generous with their time).
  • Would rather err on the side of grace than be just or strict with policies.
  • Have an open hand.
  • Freely share what they are learning.
  • Love to give away credit to others even when they could rightly keep it for themselves.
  • Care about their team. They know about each team member’s goals and dreams, and diligently try to help them fulfill those desires.

It’s counterintuitive, isn’t it? We think to achieve more, we must keep more for ourselves. We’ve been taught to work hard and climb the ladder, even if it means climbing over others to get to the top.

More than a decade ago, Tim Sanders wrote a timeless book called Love Is the Killer App. I love what he says on this topic:

The most powerful force in business isn’t greed, fear, or even the raw energy of unbridled competition. The most powerful force in business is love. It’s what will help your company grow and become stronger. It’s what will propel your career forward. It’s what will give you a sense of meaning and satisfaction in your work, which will help you do your best work.

Love is such a squishy word. We all likely have a different definition of love based on how we grew up or the quality of relationships we have experienced. Sanders defines love as the selfless promotion of growth in another. “When you help others grow to become the best people that they can be, you are being loving—and as a result, you grow.”

The opposite of a generous leader, then, is a selfish leader. Selfish leaders:

  • Keep the credit for themselves.
  • Circle all conversations back to him or herself.
  • Hide competitive advantages from his team.
  • Are always looking to determine blame for mistakes (“Whose fault was this?” rather than “We made a mistake, let’s learn from it and keep going.”)

My experience with selfish people is that they are often stressed, tense, bitter, angry, critical, argumentative, and bullying. Generous people, on the other hand, are genuinely happy. They aren’t constantly determining their self-worth by how far they are above others. They have a great day when they’ve had the chance to add value to others.

And lest you think generous people are happy but poor, or that they feel good about themselves but it doesn’t translate into an economic benefit for themselves or their company, you might tune into this final quote by Sanders:

People who love what they’re doing, who love to learn new things, to meet new people, and to share what and whom they know with others: These are the people who wind up creating the most economic value and, as a result, moving their companies forward.

It’s undeniable. Generous leaders win. The question is, what steps can you take today to become more generous in your leadership? Figure it out and take a step.

Tim Stevens is the author of Fairness Is Overrated: And 51 Other Leadership Principles to Revolutionize Your Workplace (Thomas Nelson, January 6, 2015). Tim is also a team leader with Vanderbloemen Search Group, an executive search firm that helps churches and ministries find great leaders. For more information, visit www.FairnessIsOverrated.com.